The wife of the late Ernie K-Doe passed away on MardiGras Day. She was quite the character, having a wax figure of Ernie made after his passing, but he was able to be at her Jazz Funeral.
She also owned and ran The Mother In Law lounge here in NOLA. Some may remember Ernie from the song, Mother In-Law.
I must say her funeral drew a crowd, and it was amazing to see the old and young musicians join together to celebrate the life of Ernie and his wife.
These are just a few images where I tried to show what a Jazz Funeral is all about.
A friend asked me to get a few shots from a cemetery, so while we were there I also did a few for my project 365. The sky was bright and clear, so when I opened this one on my computer I was really surprised to see such a shadow in the clouds.
According to this morning's newspaper, we had found our way to the stage of the "older crowd" at Family Gras! I actually don't mind being older, if it meant being with Louisiana's Cajun Sweetheart, Amanda Shaw. She is an amazing entertainer! So much talent for a 16 year old, and such a beautiful girl.
It's been a long road to recovery since Katrina. Lots of tears have been shed by all of us, but lots of joy has also been shared with the realization of community and family. I hope to share my love for my family and friends and my city of New Orleans, through my photography, via this blog. Enjoy, Jere