I sometimes forget just how powerful the waters of the river are, or how important it is to the economy of the U.S. Recently a freighter plowed into a barge carrying thousands of gallons of oil, causing an oil spill in the river and shutting down the river for days. This first photo shows the barge being partially lifted. The oil is being pumped out of the barge which will then be cut into pieces so that it can safely be raised out of the river.
Watching this small tug boat maneuver that big barge was amazing.
The Port Authority building is on the river front and makes a beautiful reflection of the Crescent City Connection, the bridges linking the east and west bank of New Orleans.
It's been a long road to recovery since Katrina. Lots of tears have been shed by all of us, but lots of joy has also been shared with the realization of community and family. I hope to share my love for my family and friends and my city of New Orleans, through my photography, via this blog. Enjoy, Jere